Leading By Believing

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Celeste is a senior level executive who is dedicated, self-aware and has the ability to look objectively at situations. She is incredibly down to earth and yet is a whole level above the everyday person. To see Celeste in a room with her employees is to see a supportive yet challenging fire. She gets the bigger vision but she isn’t tied to how people are going to get there. Her belief in her team allows her to let go of the micro and focus on the macro. Celeste’s team steps up because of her belief in them. Her team is maneuvering to solve problems, they are achieving beyond their goals and they are enjoying the work.

However, the test of a true leader is when they can lead themselves and the team when things get hard. Celeste’s program is new and ever changing. It can be a roller coaster ride or a vortex depending on the day. I have witnessed the magic of Celeste’s leadership on two separate occasions when the project and/or team was a in a rut.
Here is how she handled these situations so brilliantly:

1.  Belief: Celeste trusted in herself and in her team that they could find the right answer and execute on the overall vision.

2.  Inspiration: She helped everyone see who they are as a team, where they were going and asked what do we need to get there? (Back to #1: She Believes in her People)

3.  Curiosity: Celeste did not say “no” right away. She let the ideas flow and asked questions like “what would it be like if we did that?”, “Tell me more”, “Help me understand” and was willing to try things even if she initially thought they might not work. (Back to #1: She believes in the Process. Adjusts and plans to Re-Adjust)

4.  Support: She gave the team the support they needed whether that was individually with her, from outside sources or by finding creative ways to resolve problems. (Back to#1: She Believes in the Team)

5.  Objective: Celeste did not think about how this would make her look as the boss, she thought about “What is best for the organization?” and “What makes sense for her people?” (Back to #1: she Believes in Herself, the Mission and the People)

6.  Honest / Transparent: She wasn’t trying to prove herself or hide her weaknesses. Celeste knows that she doesn’t know everything and she also knows her gifts. Her approach to creating solutions, ability to put the right team members in place and her dedication to the mission all move her to her life’s purpose. (Back to #1 she Believes in Herself and her Purpose)

So this month as you face challenges, I challenge you to bring on your Celeste… Better yet tell us what you have done in difficult situations. How did you pull your team through and/or what would you do differently?

About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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