More and more we are seeing companies work to create some form of internal Leadership Development Program. Finding talent, developing that talent for the modern workforce and creating a talent pipeline is top of mind for many CEOs. According to the latest Gallup...
View Archives of Sojourn Blog & Article Posts
Are Millennials Getting a Bad Rap?
Millennials seem to have a bad reputation, especially in the workplace. They've heard the mantra over and over that they're lazy, privileged, entitled and don’t know the value of hard work. But is it really true? And how can an entire generation, literally millions of...
Executive Presence: Marketing Yourself
Developing your personal brand: it's a topic that hundreds of editorials and books have been dedicated to, but why is this so important? How do you even know if your personal brand is strong or if it needs work? What exactly is executive presence and why is it so...
Connecting with the Generations
Generation X, the 'latchkey kids' of America, were the first generation left to their own devices with two working parents from the time they were young. They got from home to school, to activities and back home with a key around their necks, building the confidence...
Avoiding Burnout in Healthcare Careers
Healthcare is tough. Whether you work directly with patients in a hospital or physician’s office, deal with administration issues such as compliance, insurance billing, Medicare/Medicaid compliance and reimbursements, or you're involved at a higher level drafting...
Getting Ready to Transition Your Business
It’s your business and at some point you know you will move on. There are areas to consider that aren’t just about the financials. In a workshop with 20 small business owners from the Dover Chamber of Commerce, we explored some of these areas and emerged with several...
C-Level Executives That Empower Their Human Resource Teams
There is a power in understanding the expectations of C-Level Executives so that HR can best partner with them to create positive organizational change .The Seacoast and Manchester HR Associations brought together CEO, CFO and CAOs who realize the need to have HR...
NHBR – “Nurturing Your Inner Influencer”
In this article, originally published in the New Hampshire Business Review, Heather looks at several ways to help influencers start the fire that moves change forward. Click here for the full article.
7 Habits of People Who Get It All Done…By 5pm!
Do you know how you manage to get through your entire to-do list (the one that typically sits half-full at the end of every day and week) on your last day in the office before vacation? Or how you can completely clear your inbox on a Sunday in 2 hours, when you've...
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