Executive Presence: Marketing Yourself

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Developing your personal brand: it’s a topic that hundreds of editorials and books have been dedicated to, but why is this so important? How do you even know if your personal brand is strong or if it needs work?

What exactly is executive presence and why is it so important to develop?
It is how you are coming across to others. What are you known for being or doing within your team, the organization or as a person.

Passion = Power

If you aren’t jazzed about what you are doing your presence will reflect it. Make sure that you connect to the things in the work that light you up and give you energy. That energy will come through to others more powerfully then you think.  Remind yourself why you are there, what you care about and how important it is to you. Fuel that passion in any way you can because it will give a boost in how you are coming across to others.

The Impression You Want to Leave Behind

When you walk into the room, connect with a client or manage an employee, set intentions around how you want to be with that person. If they were to use 3 adjectives to describe you – what do you want them to use? Competent, Powerful, Passionate or Connected, Calm and Wise.  Think about what you need to do in order to embody that type of impression. What would your body language be? How fast/slow would you speak? What questions would you ask?  What would the action items be after the interaction to continue the impression you left behind?

Define Your Talent

What do you contribute that is natural to you? When people talk about you and the contribution that you make to the team, what do they most often mention? You may not even notice that you are that good at doing it. For example, some people have the ability to make everyone feel comfortable so they open up.  Another person may be able to name something that is going on that others couldn’t see – every team needs a fixer or someone who looks for problems and works to correct them efficiently. Focus on what you do best and maneuver to put yourself in a position that allows you to execute that talent fully.

What is Your Role?

At different times we might take on different roles within a team. Instead of falling into that role, ask yourself “If I play this role, will I get to where I need to be? Will I be the best benefit to the team?” Often what got us where we are today is vastly different then what will take us up a few notches.

Physical Impression

If you want to be someone that seems put together, make sure you look put together…meaning you don’t have papers hanging out all over the place, hair a mess or stains on your clothes. Think of the “look” that the level you want to be embodies. Consider your geography, are you open or closed, hunched over or standing tall, comfortably resting your hands on your lap or fidgeting, smiling or biting your lip. Often you won’t even notice you are doing something that creates an impression that lacks confidence. Make a commitment to moving toward the look you want. It will help you to not only be perceived as more powerful, you will feel and act that way too!

Believe that You Belong There

Own it! You have to believe that you are the powerful person you really are! If your non verbal is at all questioning, meek, uncomfortable, scared or just plain awkward – work on utilizing the ideas above to help you show up more comfortable in your own shoes. People will sense your hesitancy and they will not see you as a leader. Believe in yourself and in what you bring to the world!

Liked this post? Check out Section 4 – the Personal Development portion of our book The Future of Everything.

About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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