Here and Now…But How?

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Being in the now is harder than we think. It means we actually have to get out of our head and into what is going on right now within us and all around us. It is good to be aware of the triggers that bring you into the present. When I am in the now, I always seem to notice simple things such as, the wind or my breathing. Everything slows down and seems so simple and easy. My shoulders are loose and relaxed. All the negative self talk stops. I find myself appreciating what “is” instead of what isn’t. I’m not replaying the days events, creating lists of what I should be doing or comparing myself to other’s achievements. I am just present, calm and relaxed. It is one way to help keep me grounded and enjoying life. Here are some recent examples of my “now” moments.

It’s late and our English Black Lab is ready for the last walk of the day. We head down to his typical spot. The evening air is clear and crisp. The snow has just started and it is almost as if everything is standing still. My mind is still spinning from the events of the day. I take in a deep breath and listen to all of the sounds around me: the trees creaking off to the side, my feet as they touch the ground and my leash chiming as he moves along. This is my first moment to slow down today and all the stress seems so insignificant. I feel wonderful, refreshed and calm.

“Do you want to find your friends?” I ask. My two-year-old gives a high-pitched squeal “YEEEAAAHHHH,” as we hold hands and run across the field. He looks up at me with a face filled with delight and everything stops. He is so happy, his eyes squinted, his smile huge and his checks rosy. His hair is bouncing and all I can think is that this will be one of the images that will flash in front of me before I die. At this very moment I am more present and happier then I could ever express.

We are presenting to a large group to help them to understand what it is that we are going to be working on with their team. At first, I am distracted by the pressure to say and do the right thing. Then I just go into coaching mode, which is the most present I could ever be. I am in the moment, noticing all that is going on with myself, those around me and most importantly, with the energy that is here. I am getting curious and asking questions, letting go of how the presentation or conversation should be and focusing in on what it is. Instead of being in my head, I am in the room, almost as if I am taking in the entire room. I feel confident, competent and energized. At this moment, I am right where I need to be, being the person I am meant to be.

Being in the now is hard, no doubt. We are all leading such busy lives and our minds take us all over the place, even if we don’t want to go. This month I challenge you to be in the now, even if it is just for 1 minute here or there. Notice the difference in the way you see things, the way you are feeling and the way you react to what is going on around you. I hope you find things calmer, easier or whatever you need them to be.

How do you bring yourself into the here and now? When do you find you are doing it the most? When is it hard for you?

About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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