Building Confidence and Agency to Transform Your Culture While sitting in a master’s degree course about organizational management the professor was sharing the different organizing models that exist. There was the traditional pyramid, the matrix, network, and flat...
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The Future of Work in 2035: The Evolution of Business Culture That Will Improve Company Results & Well-Being in the 22nd Century
The Future of Work in 2035: A Forward by Dr. Michael R. Moore The Future of Work Culture In professional evolution and workplace transformation, few voices have been as prescient and insightful as Dr. Russ Ouellette. This book, I believe, is a pivotal piece on the...
Keep and Develop Tenured Employees: They are a Core Value of Your Company
Keep and Develop Tenured Employees: They are a Core Value of Your Company When I was 40 years old, I told a 50-year-old colleague that I was thinking about changing careers. He said to me, “you better do it now because when you're 50 years old you'll not be taken...
Identifying and Evolving High Potential Employees
How to Identify and Evolve High Potential Employees The Pareto principle suggests that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes. This is true for the best and brightest on your team. Good leaders know this and put in an outsized effort to recognize and...
Deepen your impact by deepening your communication
Everything communicates. If that’s the case then why does it seem we have so many issues communicating effectively?
Filling the Leadership void
When the most recent graduates of a BIA leadership program finished a six-month training session in early spring, they could not have known they were about to immediately be thrust into an environment where those newly learned skills would become vital.
Sojourn Partners adds five experienced associates to its team
Sojourn Partners has announced adding five highly experienced associate partners to its team. These professionals bring additional expertise in coaching, individual and team training, leadership development and change management.
Welcome to 2030
I was sitting in a presentation reviewing software solutions with a client and it dawned on me that any of these products would work great. The sheer technology leaps we have made are truly astounding – so many ideas, quickly brought to market, and this is only the beginning.
On crisis and leadership: Lead us through with respect, integrity and hope
I recently shared an article with friends and colleagues titled, “In a crisis, is where leaders are made. Pay close attention to what they do.” Like everything else in life, great leadership is situational.
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