Aspiring to Be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

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In my years of experience as a psychologist and consultant, I have always been touched by the impact that an emotionally intelligent leader brings to an organization.  Leaders that can see themselves objectively to adjust for the betterment of the whole and can take in and understand the other voices within an organization are always more able to engage and inspire.

A tool of empowerment for the leader looking to enhance his/her abilities in an authentic way is the practice of mindfulness.  By definition, mindfulness is an objective awareness of the present moment.  In contrast, mindlessness is being on autopilot, which can lead to a lack of responsiveness to the changes that are unfolding.  Not being mindful can also feed the the cycle of operating from defensiveness and (over)reactivity.  When taught to leaders, mindfulness is cultivated both in everyday interactions and in contemplative practice (i.e. secular meditation).  In regard to emotional intelligence, this practice helps awakens the mind to be able to see the big picture and to the individual people that co-create it, while keeping emotions, including those related to stress, in equilibrium.

To learn all about emotional intelligence and mindfulness, join us for 4th NH Leadership Advantage on February 6th at the Manchester Country Club in Bedford, NH.  Networking starts at 7:30am followed by a panel of NH business leaders and then a workshop of ideas to take back to your organization.   If you want to dive right in, Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Through Mindfulness is a 6-week course that starts March 4th.

For more info and to register visit our Events Page.

About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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