Clearing Your Head

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“If only I could think,” is a comment I hear from clients and colleagues often. Having too many things on the To Do list, an office with a revolving door and/or a noisy work environment all contribute to scattered thinking.   Here are a few tried and true things you can start to do to shift yourself into thinking with clarity and focus.

  1. Go for a walk:  Our brains thrive on taking a break, changing up the scenery and getting the heart pumping.  A walk gives you all of those things, especially if you can go outdoors and fill your awareness up with the sights, sounds and smells of nature.
  2. Stress is often a culprit of feeling distracted.  When we are stressed, unconsciously we may only breathe with the tops of our lungs or even hold our breath at times.  This cuts us off from our most primary fuel, which is oxygen.  Give yourself frequent breathing breaks where you mindfully breathe in to fill your lungs.  For a minute, notice the sensations in your lungs from either top to bottom or from front to back and then focus on how it feels to exhale fully.  Think of the exhalation as a chance to get rid of everything you don’t need.
  3. A yoga posture called Legs Up the Wall is highly effective to help the nervous system to ground and reset.  So maybe you won’t try it in a skirt in the boardroom but in a private space you can follow these steps.  Make sure to scroll down to read the beginner tips and contraindications.
  4. Use your nose:  Aroma therapeutic scents wake up the brain and help it to function more optimally.  The key here is those scents should be natural and preferably organic essential oils that can be used through diffusers or rubbing the oil on your skin.  Citrus, rosemary and peppermint wake us up and lift the mood while lavender and bergamot help reduce stress.  Quality essential oils can be found at most health food stores.


About Sojourn

Sojourn Partners is a results-driven executive leadership coaching firm that empowers the professional workforce to think differently in order to realize the full return on investment in themselves and their companies. Professional leadership thinking and intervention, based on years of research and experience, place Sojourn Partners at the forefront in executive leadership coaching, organizational development, strategic planning and culture and climate change.


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